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Solution Solutions
2014 - 07 - 01
click: 305
1. Introduction  CNC lathe, also known as CNC lathe, is a computer numerical control lathe. It is the most widely used CNC machine tool in China. It has a very important position in CNC machine tools and has been widely used in countries all over the world for decades. Pay attention to and get rapid development.2. The composition and use of CNC latheThe CNC lathe is mainly composed of the main machine, numerical control device, driving device, auxiliary device and other auxiliary equipment. It is mainly used for processing various shaft or rotary parts, and can automatically complete the ...
2019 - 05 - 25
click: 37
1. Introduction:       The traditional grinding machine spindle is directly started by the power frequency, and the spindle grinding wheel motor runs according to the traditional starting circuit. When there is a certain fluctuation in the grid voltage, the rotation speed of the grinding wheel spindle has a certain fluctuation, which affects the grinding precision of the workpiece. Therefore, considering the improvement of processing quality and processing efficiency, the application of variable frequency speed control technology to the grinding machine can a...
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