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Over the past year, electric power equipment enterprises in the process of into the medium speed development chugging along. On the one hand is overcapacity and low-end manufacturing concerns, on the other hand is the aspirations of intelligent manufacturing and industrial upgrading. Along with the energy structure adjustment and industrial transformation and upgrading of opportunities and challenges, the enterprise must in the complicated and changeable market situation both at home and abroad, the accurate forecasting and layout in advance.Keywords: intelligent manufacturingThe ministry of i...
发布时间: 2016 - 03 - 14
As early as 2013, China overtook Japan to become the world's largest industrial robot market, the China sales of 37000 units, industrial robot, accounted for 20.67% of global sales. In 2014, the industrial robot industry sales revenue as a share of GDP rose to 0.01% from 0.01% in the morning, the industry is increasingly important in the position in national economy. Shenzhen robot, however, the expert committee secretary-general Du Zhengzhi said that after industry research found that the whole of China's manufacturing plant in the industrial, between 2.0 3.0 4.0 is still a long way f...
发布时间: 2016 - 02 - 02
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