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date: 2014-07-01
view: 203

SINCR C500 applications in the circular knitting machine

I.the circular knitting machine technology introduction

1. Introduction circular knitting machine

  Circular knitting machine (Figure 1) is a kind of tubular fabric woven of cotton equipment, mainly used for weaving all kinds of knitted fleece, T-shirt fabric, all kinds of fabrics with a pattern of perforations. According to the structure can be divided into single-sided and double-sided knitting machine knitting machine, widely used in the textile industry.




2. The process requirements

(1) resistance to environmental requirements drive ability, due to high ambient temperature field and batting likely to cause cooling fan stall, damage, vents blocked.

(2) requires flexible jog operation function, many equipment installation inching button, the drive requires fast response.

(3) on the speed control requires three speeds, one jog speed, usually about 6Hz; the second is the normal weaving speed, the highest frequency up to 70Hz; Third, low income cloth run, need about 20Hz frequency.

(4) of the knitting machine in operation, and the absolute prohibition of the motor reverse rotation phenomenon, otherwise the needle bed needle is bent or broken, if it is using a single-phase bearing the knitting machine can not be considered, if the system Reversible depends entirely on the motor reversing, on the one hand need to be able to reverse the ban, on the other hand need to set DC braking to eliminate rotation.

II.the site requirements and debugging programs

1. On-site requirements

  Knitting machine industry requirements for the control function of the inverter is more concise, usually connecting terminal start-stop control, analog given frequency or use the multispeed given frequency. Requirements jog or low speed operation to quickly, thus requiring low frequency motor control inverter can have a greater low frequency torque. General application in the knitting machine, the inverter V / F mode to meet.

2. The commissioning program

  We use the program are: C500 series vector frequency power: 4KW with 5.5KW

III.the tuning parameters and notes

1. wiring diagram


2. commissioning parameter setting

(1) F0.00 = 2 V / F mode

(2) F0.01 = 1 external terminal control

(3) F0.02 = 2 frequency channel selection

(4) F0.11 = 5 acceleration time 5S

(5) F0.12 = 0.8 deceleration time 0.8S

(6) F4.09 = 4 4 Torque boost

(7) F5.02 = 4 is set to X2 Forward jog

(8) F8.06 = 6 set jog frequency 6HZ

(9) F8.07 = 3.5 set jog acceleration time 3.5S

(10) F8.08 = 1.5 set jog deceleration time is 1.5S

3. Commissioning notes:

(1) First, determine the direction of the motor jog

(2) with respect to jog and to reflect the problem of slow motion, based on the requirements adjustment Jog acceleration and deceleration time

(3) low frequency carrier and torque can be adjusted to improve the torque boost

(4) batting blocked duct, fan stall adverse inverter cooling. This happens more general inverter are skipped after thermal alarm manual removal can continue to use the duct batt.

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